15% (plus VAT/GST) of your total income goes to Airbnb
We charge our management fee (plus VAT/GST)on your gross platform earnings.This includes the booked nights and the cleaning fee.
Our team will provide you with a property essentials checklist during the onboarding process which includes an initial stock of cleaning supplies and essentials for guests such as toilet paper, bin liners and toiletries. Our cleaning team will replenish these essentials as needed and items will be charged back at cost.
The guest covers the cost of the cleaning fee (which includes laundry) when making a reservation at your property. The cleaning fee is passed through to our suppliers (cleaners and laundry companies).
Get a quick and free estimate for what your property could be earning you with Houst managing it. Then, book a call with our team to discuss it further.
Get A Quick Estimate (FREE)