Airbnb Management Services by Houst | Short-Term Rental Experts

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Houst is a leading property management company specialising in short-term and medium-term bookings in eight countries. With over 7 years of experience and managing over 300,000 bookings, we help homeowners make the most of their properties.

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If you're looking for a quick, easy and affordable way to book your next vacation, is the best option. The website has over 1 million listings for hotels, hostels and other accommodations worldwide.

You can book everything from a guest house in Paris to an Airbnb apartment in Madrid online with just a few clicks of your mouse. But how does this popular booking site handle rebooking and refunds? 

We've gathered all the information here, so you know what to expect if something goes wrong during your trip!

Table of Contents

What is the current policy on rebooking and refunds with has a rebooking and refund policy that is easy to find on its website. It can be found on the homepage, in an FAQ section, and the Booking app. The policy also applies to bookings made through third-party sites like Expedia or Airbnb.

The rebooking policy states that if you cancel your reservation within 24 hours of your booking date, then there will be no cancellation fee applied. 

If you cancel more than 24 hours before check-in time but less than 48 hours before check-in time (or 72 hours if it's during peak season), then there will be a 50% cancellation fee applied. 

If you cancel more than 48 hours before check-in time (or 72 hours if it's during peak season), then there will be a 100% cancellation fee applied along with any applicable taxes paid by both parties involved in the transaction.

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What happens if I arrive late or at all?

If you don't arrive on time or at all, the host will be charged for the total reservation amount.

You can cancel your booking without penalty if you cannot arrive on time or at all. You can cancel your booking if it has a problem (for example, no hot water). 

The host must give at least 24 hours notice before check-in, so they can find another guest who wants to stay in their place instead of waiting until check-in time comes around and then telling them they're stuck with no room after all! This means that even though it's always best practice to give as much notice as possible when canceling something last minute (and even better training than this), don't worry too much about having made plans elsewhere because sometimes life happens! 

How long do I have to cancel my booking?

You can cancel your booking up to 30 days before your arrival date. If you need to cancel after this point, the policy will depend on which hotel you have booked with. 

If a hotel allows cancellations within 30 days of arrival, there may be some fees associated with it; however, these fees vary depending on which property is being booked and how far out from the arrival date the cancellation takes place. For example:

  1. Suppose you cancel within 30 days of booking at a hotel, with no penalty fee associated with cancellations (or if they do not specify one). Then nothing may be charged when canceling early even though they don't say so directly on their website or in emails sent during the booking process!
  1. Hotels with penalties typically charge between $50-$150 per room depending on what kind of room was reserved (elevator access vs. non-elevator access) and the time frame for the reservation (weekend vs. weekday).

Can I cancel my booking?

  1. You can cancel your booking up to 24 hours before the check-in date.
  2. If you are dissatisfied with the accommodation, or if it does not match its description on (for example, there are no beds in a room advertised as having two double beds).

Please contact immediately. We will try our best to help resolve any issues that may arise during your stay at this property so that everyone has an enjoyable experience!

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⭐ Rated 4.8/5 by 2,500+ Hosts

Can I change dates or accommodation after booking?

If you need to change your dates or accommodation, it's possible. You can do so for free if you book 24 hours or more before arrival. Otherwise, there is a fee associated with changing dates and accommodation.

If you need to cancel your booking, contact customer service immediately so they can process the refund as soon as possible. Your refund will be processed within the next 5 business days after we receive the cancellation notice from

What do I do if there's a problem with my booking?

In the event of a problem with your booking, we recommend that you contact customer service as soon as possible. There are several ways to do this:

  • Contact directly through their website or by phone.
  • Check your booking confirmation email for contact details. You should also see them listed on any correspondence from regarding your reservation or stay at the property.
  • Please state the problem as clearly and concisely as possible, providing any relevant information that may help resolve it. For example, if there were issues during check-in or checkout times due to guests who had stayed before you if there was damage caused by someone else waiting in the same room, etcetera! 

It's important here because it helps expedite matters and because being polite goes a long way toward getting what we want without having any kind of conflict arise between two parties where none need exist (and trust me: no one wants that).

How to cancel your booking?

If you need to cancel your booking:

  1. Contact Customer Service directly. If you cannot get through on the phone, try again later.
  2. If it's after business hours, or you still need to be more relaxed, email them instead.
  3. If this also fails, ask your credit card company or bank about their policies regarding bookings made through third parties like

1. Rebooking policy

If you need to rebook your reservation, contact Customer Service. If you need to cancel your reservation, contact Customer Service.

You can rebook up to 48 hours before check-in time and 24 hours after check-in time for most properties (but not all).

2. Refund policy

The refund policy of is that you have up to 14 days before your booking to cancel it and get a full refund. If you cancel within 14 days, you'll get a partial refund based on the time left on your reservation (for example: if your room was booked for two nights, and you cancelled after one night, you'd get 50% back).

There are some exceptions, though! If there's been a change in circumstances like illness or injury that prevents travel, they'll give 100% back regardless of how many days remain in the reservation timeframe (but only once per year). You can also change dates or accommodations as long as there isn't another guest staying at that property during those new dates/rooms. And if another guest stays there during those specific times, it will return to full payment mode again with no refunds available!

3. Cancellation policy

The cancellation policy is essential to know before booking, as it will help you plan your trip. requires that you cancel your reservation at least 48 hours before check-in time. If you don't do this and fail to show up at the hotel, they will charge your credit card for one night's stay plus tax (or more if there are extra charges).

If you decide not to go on vacation after all but then change your mind later on and book again with within six months of the original cancellation date.

They'll give back any money paid toward the first reservation but only if both reservations were booked through them directly via their website or app!

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⭐ Rated 4.8/5 by 2,500+ Hosts

How long do you need to wait for your refund from

You can expect a refund from Booking com within seven business days, provided the cancellation was made within 24 hours of your reservation. If you paid with PayPal, they would issue your funds directly to your account; if you paid with a credit card and want to get your money back, it will be sent back to said card within seven business days.

You can track the status of any pending refunds by logging into My Bookings and going to "My Reservations." This will display all reservations made under one login ID (for example,, allowing users to check on their bookings at any time without needing further information than they already know (such as dates). 

  1. They once logged in via this page and viewed one's knowledge or clicked on another user's name instead (if multiple people use one email address).
  2. Clicking "details" next to each reservation itemises each detail regarding its status.
  3. Including whether payment has been received yet, along with how many days remain until the expected completion date based on the current processing times listed above.

It means no waiting around wondering whether we'll get our money back!

How do claims work from

If you have a problem with your booking, you can file a claim. Our customer care team handles claims and resolves issues as quickly as possible.

You can file a claim if:

  • Your accommodation differed from what was described on (for example, there were no towels in the room).
  • The service was poor at check-in or checkout (for example, the staff member was rude).
  • You paid too much for your stay (for example, if it turns out that their price has gone up since you booked).


It is important to remember that if you want to cancel your booking or request a refund, you should make sure that the accommodation provider has been paid in full. 

This means they should have received all payments from, not just their share of the total amount due from customers' credit cards. This also applies if you need to rebook somewhere else because of an issue with your original accommodation.

The Insider team at Houst is dedicated to providing up-to-date and relevant information on short-term rentals. For guest-posting inquiries, reach out at We are here to help you navigate the world of short lets and look forward to assisting you with your needs.

The Insider @ Houst

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Complete property management services

We streamline the process of short-term lets and assist in maximising your rental revenue in London.

Listing Management

  • Multi-platform listings
  • Professional photography
  • Listing creation
  • Price optimisation

Guest Management

  • Guest vetting
  • Guest check-ins
  • Linen and toiletries
  • Guest communications

Property Management

  • Cleaning and housekeeping
  • Property maintenance
  • Property insurance
  • Property management software
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  • Pricing Optimisation: Increased earnings with algorithm-based pricing strategies.