

Effective Marketing and Advertising on Airbnb: Boost Your Business Visibility

Effective Marketing and Advertising on Airbnb: Boost Your Business Visibility

Airbnb Management Services by Houst | Short-Term Rental Experts

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Airbnb has become a popular platform for property owners to monetise their spaces and attract potential customers. To ensure success, it's crucial to understand how to market and advertise your business effectively on Airbnb. This article provides valuable insights into using the right keywords, crafting compelling descriptions, and leveraging Airbnb's advertising tools to increase your business visibility. Whether you're a host or a business owner, these strategies will help you maximise the opportunities offered by Airbnb and attract more guests or customers to your property or service.

Table of Contents

Airbnb has become a popular place for people to list their properties. It's an easy way to monetise your property, and it helps you reach more potential customers than you would using traditional methods. But how do you market and advertise your business on Airbnb? And what kind of business can you promote and advertise on this platform? In this article, we'll cover all of these questions and more!

How to market and advertise your business the right way using Airbnb?

You must use the right keywords to market your business properly on Airbnb. The first thing to do is to find out what people are searching for when looking for a place like yours. For example, if you're selling pet-friendly rentals in a city with few options, and there's very little competition. It might be smart to focus on "pet friendly" as one of your main keywords or phrases to get more hits than someone who doesn't use those words at all (or maybe even worse).

Next up: good descriptions! This can make or break whether someone chooses your listing over another one—and if they don't choose anything from yours at least once during their search process before making up their mind about which place would work best for them based on what's been said above about targeting certain keywords etcetera.

What kind of business can you market and advertise on Airbnb?

Airbnb can be an effective way to market your business if you have a small budget. It's also a great option for entrepreneurs who don't have the funds to hire an advertising agency or do their marketing.

Airbnb allows you to create a profile, write descriptions of your property and post photos on the site where other users will see them. This helps people connect with the experiences they want at home or on vacation without having to go through all the hassle of finding their accommodations (or worse – paying too much).

Looking for expert insights on Airbnb management in London? Explore our comprehensive guide to discover valuable tips, strategies, and solutions for successful hosting in the vibrant city.

How to prevent your ads from being disapproved?

You'll see ads displayed in the search results when you're looking for a place to stay. These are usually ads from Airbnb hosts and will show you how many people have searched for that keyword in the past 24 hours.

Use keywords related to your business or product to ensure your ad is displayed on top of them. You can also target specific types of customers (for example, if your business caters only to women) by using age ranges or geographic location as well as gender and marital status combinations (for example, "single female").

The photo used should be relevant—it should be clear enough that someone who sees it would click through without having any questions about what they're looking at first! 


  • Don't use keywords that are too broad.
  • Don't use keywords that are too specific.
  • Don't use keywords that are too competitive or too long or short for your ad.

Try using images with clear background, use background remover to clear the image's background.

How to use Airbnb's advertising tool effectively?

Airbnb has a tool that can help you market your business. It's called the AdWords platform, and it's a great way to get more exposure for your Airbnb listing. However, there are a few things you need to know before using this tool effectively:

  • Use the right keywords – You should try different combinations to find the best fit for your business. For example, if you own an apartment building with apartments available on Airbnb, then "apartment" might not be relevant enough because people looking for short-term rentals would likely choose something like "hotel rooms near me" instead (assuming they already know what kind of accommodation options exist). On the other hand, if someone was interested in renting out their apartment come winter time, then this particular word choice might work well!
  • Make sure your ad is relevant - This means making sure there isn't anything offensive or controversial being advertised within its content which could lead people away from visiting/booking said listing instead (i.e., no nudity please!).

How to display your ad on the search results of potential customers?

When you're looking for a place to stay, you'll see ads that are displayed in the search results. These are usually ads from Airbnb hosts and will show you how many people have searched for that keyword in the past 24 hours.

Use keywords related to your business or product to ensure your ad is displayed on top of them. You can also target specific types of customers (for example, if your business caters only to women) by using age ranges or geographic location as well as gender and marital status combinations (for example, "single female").

The photo used should be relevant—it should be clear enough that someone who sees it would click through without having any questions about what they're looking at first!

How much budget should you spend on advertising on Airbnb?

The right amount of budget depends on your business goals. For example, if you're looking to grow the business and make more money, it makes sense that you should spend more on advertising. However, if your goal is simply to get more customers through word-of-mouth recommendations from satisfied guests who have stayed at your property in the past (also known as "passive marketing"), then spending less might be more effective.

To calculate how much budget you should spend on Airbnb ads:

  • Decide what kind of results do want from the campaign (more traffic? better reviews?).
  • Find out what works best for those results by testing different numbers of ad impressions per day or week using Google Analytics.

Ready to elevate your Airbnb hosting experience in London? Explore our Airbnb Management London services and discover how we can assist you in maximising your property’s potential. Whether you’re an experienced host or just starting out, our expert team is here to help you achieve seamless property management and higher rental returns. Find out more about our services and embark on your journey to success today.

Which locations will give you higher returns on your investment (ROI)?

Location is the most important factor in deciding where to advertise your Airbnb listing. Using the Airbnb search tool, you can find out which locations have a high demand for lodging and are within walking distance of tourist attractions. You should also consider factors like how many reviews each location has and its conversion rate.


This article covers the basics of how to market and advertise your business on Airbnb. If you are looking for great advertising campaigns that work well in any city, check out our other articles on how to use Airbnb as a marketing tool for more tips! We hope that by now, you understand what it takes (and doesn't take) to get started using Airbnb for your business needs - whether it be finding customers or just expanding awareness of your brand name.

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of your
rental revenue
The commission depends on
the property profile and location

Complete property management services

We streamline the process of short-term lets and assist in maximising your rental revenue in London.

Listing Management

  • Multi-platform listings
  • Professional photography
  • Listing creation
  • Price optimisation

Guest Management

  • Guest vetting
  • Guest check-ins
  • Linen and toiletries
  • Guest communications

Property Management

  • Cleaning and housekeeping
  • Property maintenance
  • Property insurance
  • Property management software
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Découvrez comment Houst peut améliorer la visibilité de votre Airbnb
  • Optimisation des annonces – Maximisez le potentiel de votre annonce. Faites l’expérience d’une croissance tangible.
  • Photographie professionnelle – Des visuels captivants qui attirent instantanément les invités.
  • Filtrage des invités – Garantir uniquement les invités les meilleurs et les plus sûrs pour votre propriété.
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Houst can help you get started in the serviced accommodation sector:
  • Fastracked growth: Quick portfolio expansion and up to 20% booking commission for property managers.
  • Guest Support and Tech: 24/7 support and tech streamlined operations, enhancing occupancy and guest service delivery.
  • Pricing Optimisation: Increased earnings with algorithm-based pricing strategies.