Winter Update for Southern Hemisphere: Its Effect on the Rental Market and How to Deal with It



The Insider @ Houst
Last updated on
July 5, 2023

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Winter Update for Southern Hemisphere: Its Effect on the Rental Market and How to Deal with It

Airbnb Management Services by Houst | Short-Term Rental Experts

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As the vibrant colours of autumn fade away, and a chill starts to fill the air, the southern hemisphere prepares for its annual winter season. While winter brings a sense of cosiness and a chance to embrace the beauty of snow-capped mountains and crackling fireplaces, it also profoundly affects the rental market. Property owners in the southern hemisphere must know the shifting dynamics and adapt their strategies accordingly to make the most of this season.

Winter's arrival significantly impacts the rental market, influencing demand and traveller preferences. As temperatures drop, tourists seeking warmth and adventure flock to tropical destinations, ski resorts, and charming winter getaways. This shift in travel patterns requires property owners to understand the unique challenges and opportunities presented during the winter season.

Gone are the days of relying solely on high-season rentals. Property owners must adapt their approach and tailor their offerings to the demands of the winter season to succeed in this ever-evolving market. By understanding the impact of winter on the rental market and implementing effective strategies, property owners can capitalise on this season's potential and ensure a successful business year-round.

In this blog, we will delve into the winter update for the southern hemisphere and explore its profound effect on the rental market. So, let’s get started! 

Table of Contents

Winter Season in Southern Hemisphere

Winter Season in Southern Hemisphere and short term rentals

The winter season in the southern hemisphere typically spans from June to August. Unlike its counterpart in the northern hemisphere, the southern hemisphere experiences winter when the Earth is tilted away from the sun.

During this season, the weather conditions undergo a noticeable change. Regions closer to the poles may witness extreme cold temperatures, heavy snowfall, and frozen landscapes. At the same time, areas closer to the equator may experience milder winters with cooler temperatures and less precipitation.

As the temperature drops, tourist behaviours also shift during the winter season. Travellers seek destinations that offer respite from the cold, and many ventures to tropical regions or head to popular ski resorts in search of snowy adventures. Winter sports enthusiasts like skiers and snowboarders eagerly anticipate indulging in their favourite activities this season. Also, families often plan winter vacations during school breaks and holidays, seeking destinations with family-friendly winter activities.

Furthermore, cultural events and festivals specific to the winter season, such as Christmas markets or winter solstice celebrations, draw tourists who wish to experience the unique charm of winter traditions.

How it Affects the Rental Market

How winter season Affects the short term Rental Market
Queenstown NZ

When winter arrives in the southern hemisphere, it brings unique dynamics that significantly influence the rental market. Let's delve into the specific ways the rental market is affected by this season and uncover the challenges property owners face and the necessary adjustments they must make.

Shift in Demand

As the temperature drops, the travel preferences of tourists undergo a noticeable change. Many seek warmer destinations to escape the cold or head to popular ski resorts to indulge in winter sports. This shift in demand means property owners must adapt their offerings to cater to these specific desires. Whether promoting cosy beachside escapes or highlighting proximity to ski slopes, understanding and catering to changing demands becomes crucial during winter.

Seasonal Fluctuations

The winter season often brings fluctuations in rental occupancy rates. Some areas may experience a decrease in overall tourism due to the colder weather and reduced travel. Property owners may need help maintaining consistent bookings and occupancy levels during this period. It becomes essential to have a strategy to address these fluctuations and optimise rental opportunities during the winter months. 

Longer Stays 

While winter can bring lower overall occupancy, it also offers longer stays. Travellers who seek refuge from the cold often look for extended escapes to fully immerse themselves in the winter experience or take advantage of seasonal activities. Property owners can adjust their minimum night requirements or offer discounts for longer stays to attract these guests and maximise their rental income.

Seasonal Adjustments

Winter presents unique challenges for property owners regarding property maintenance and comfort. Ensuring the property is winter-ready, including insulation, heating systems, and appropriate amenities, is essential in colder temperatures. Property owners must also consider potential weather-related issues and be prepared to address them promptly to provide their guests with a seamless and enjoyable experience.

Marketing and Promotion

Winter requires property owners to adjust their marketing strategies to reach their target audience effectively. Highlighting winter-specific activities, nearby attractions, and special seasonal promotions can help capture the attention of travellers looking for winter getaways. Social media, travel blogs, and partnering with local businesses or influencers can enhance visibility and attract potential guests during winter.

Pricing Strategy

Adjusting pricing strategies is essential to remain competitive and attract guests during winter. Property owners should consider setting competitive rates that reflect the demand and market conditions for the winter months. Offering discounted rates for longer stays or midweek bookings can help increase occupancy and appeal to budget-conscious travellers.

Strategies to Maximise Rental Market Impact

Strategies to Maximise short term Rental Market Impact
Cape Town South Africa

As a vacation rental property owner, understanding how to navigate the short-term rentals market during low seasons is crucial for maintaining a thriving business. Let’s explore effective strategies that can help you attract more guests, optimise pricing, and ensure a steady flow of bookings even during slower periods. Let's dive in!

Figure out your low season

To make informed decisions, it's essential to identify the low season for your rental property. You can pinpoint lower-demand periods by analysing historical booking data and trends. This understanding will be the foundation for implementing targeted strategies to maximise bookings and revenue during these times.

Adjust off-season prices

During low seasons, it's important to be flexible with your pricing to entice potential guests. Consider offering discounted rates or special deals to make your property more appealing and competitive. Adjusting your rates to match the demand increases the likelihood of attracting bookings, even during off-peak periods.

Lower your minimum nights

To accommodate guests seeking shorter getaways or last-minute trips, consider lowering the minimum night requirement during low seasons. By reducing it from, for example, a standard seven-night stay to three or four nights, you open up your property to a wider range of potential guests. This increased flexibility can be a significant factor in their decision to choose your property over others.

Offer promotions

Promotions play a vital role in stimulating demand during slower periods. Craft enticing offers such as discounted rates, free upgrades, or additional amenities to capture the attention of potential guests. These promotions act as powerful incentives, encouraging them to choose your rental property over alternatives in the market.

Identify potential guests

Understanding your target audience and their preferences is key to effective marketing. During the low season, identify guest segments more inclined to travel, such as business travellers, retirees, or locals seeking a weekend getaway. Tailor your marketing efforts to these specific groups, highlighting your property's unique benefits during quieter periods.

Be aware of public holidays

Public holidays create opportunities to boost bookings even during the low season. Keep track of holidays or long weekends within your identified low season. By aligning your pricing and promotions with these holidays, you can attract guests looking to make the most of their time off. Capitalise on the festive atmosphere by offering special packages or experiences to enhance their stay.  

Update your vacation rental home and website

To maintain a competitive edge, regularly update your rental property and website. Create a compelling Airbnb listing. Enhance the guest experience by improving amenities, refreshing decor, and ensuring comfort. Simultaneously, invest time in optimising your website. Showcase high-quality photos that capture the essence of your property, provide accurate and engaging descriptions, and keep availability up to date. This attention to detail will leave a positive and lasting impression on potential renters reform. 

Activate instant bookings

In today's fast-paced world, many travellers prefer the convenience of instant bookings. By enabling this feature, you streamline the reservation process and cater to guests ready to make immediate decisions. Instant bookings can significantly increase your property's visibility and attract a broader range of potential guests.

Start planning for the next season

While focusing on the low season, planning for the upcoming high season is crucial. Review your marketing strategy, update your rates based on demand projections, and evaluate any necessary property improvements or maintenance. By proactively preparing for the busy seasons, you can maximise bookings and revenue when the demand is at its peak.

11 Tips to Attract Tourists to Your Property During the Winter Season

Tips to Attract Tourists to Your Property During the Winter Season

Winter can be a fantastic opportunity to attract tourists to your property, offering them a cosy and memorable experience. The following are the tips to attract tourists to your property during the winter season: 

1. Winterise External Pipes

When winter arrives, it's crucial to prioritise the protection of your property's external pipes. Freezing temperatures can cause pipes to burst, leading to significant damage and inconveniences for you and your guests. Winterising your external pipes demonstrates your commitment to providing a hassle-free and comfortable stay.

Here's how to effectively winterise external pipes:

  • Insulate Exposed Pipes: Identify external pipes vulnerable to freezing temperatures, such as those located outside or in unheated areas. Insulate them using foam pipe insulation, easily found at hardware stores. This protective layer acts as a barrier, insulating the pipes and preventing freezing.
  • Apply Heat Tape: Consider using heat tape on particularly susceptible pipes for added protection. Heat tape wraps around the pipe and provides a gentle and consistent heat source, keeping the pipes above freezing temperatures. Make sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions for safe and proper installation.
  • Disconnect and Drain Outdoor Hoses: Before the winter season sets in, disconnect and drain any outdoor hoses. This prevents water from freezing and causing damage to both the hoses and the connected pipes. Store the hoses in a dry and sheltered location until the weather worsens.
  • Seal Cracks and Openings: Inspect the areas around pipes where they enter the building, ensuring no gaps or cracks allow cold air to seep in. Use caulk or weatherstripping to seal any openings, keeping the cold air out and maintaining a warm interior environment.
  • Monitor Temperature: Install a temperature monitoring system that alerts you if temperatures drop to a critical level. This allows you to immediately prevent pipe-related issues, ensuring your guests have a worry-free stay.

2. Have the Furnace Inspected

A well-functioning and reliable furnace is crucial for keeping your guests comfortable during their winter stay. By having your furnace inspected before the winter season, you can address any issues or potential malfunctions, ensuring optimal heating performance.

Here's how to go about it:

Schedule a Professional Inspection

Contact a qualified HVAC technician to inspect your furnace thoroughly. They will assess its overall condition, clean components if necessary, and identify any potential problems that might affect its efficiency.

Check Air Filters

Clean or replace the air filters in your furnace. Clogged filters restrict airflow, reducing heating efficiency and potentially impacting indoor air quality. Fresh filters help maintain a healthy and comfortable environment for your guests.

Test Thermostat Functionality

Ensure your thermostat is functioning properly by testing it at various temperature settings. Verify that the temperature readings align with the room temperature and that the heating system responds accordingly.

Clean Vents and Ducts

Clear any dust or debris from the vents and ducts connected to your furnace. This improves air circulation and ensures warm air reaches every corner of the property, maximising comfort for your guests.

Ensure Proper Insulation

Evaluate the insulation around your furnace room or mechanical closet. Proper insulation prevents heat loss and helps maintain a consistent temperature, allowing your furnace to operate more efficiently.

Consider Smart Thermostat Technology

Upgrade to a smart thermostat for enhanced control and energy efficiency. Smart thermostats enable you or your guests to adjust the temperature remotely, optimise heating schedules, and reduce energy costs.

3. Flush the Hot Water Heater

Adequate hot water supply is crucial for your guests' comfort, especially during the colder months. Flushing the hot water heater helps maintain its efficiency, improves water quality, and ensures a delightful bathing experience for your guests.

Here's how you can accomplish this task effectively:

Turn Off the Power

Before starting the flushing process, ensure that the power supply to the hot water heater is turned off. Locate the circuit breaker for the heater and switch it off to prevent any accidents or malfunctions during the flushing procedure.

Connect a Hose

Locate the drain valve on the water heater and connect a garden hose to it. Position the other end of the hose in a suitable draining area, such as a floor drain or outdoor space.

Flush the Tank

With the drain valve open, allow the water heater to drain out completely. This process helps remove sediment and mineral buildup that may have accumulated in the tank, ensuring improved efficiency and optimal performance.

Close the Valve and Refill

After emptying the tank, close the drain valve and disconnect the hose. Turn on the cold water supply to the hot water heater, allowing the tank to refill. Monitor the system for any leaks or irregularities.

Restore Power

After refilling the tank, restore power to the hot water heater by switching on the circuit breaker. Verify that the heater is functioning correctly and producing hot water.

4. Check Smoke Detectors

The safety of your guests should always be a top priority. Checking and maintaining smoke detectors not only complies with safety regulations but also gives your guests peace of mind, knowing their well-being is paramount during their stay.

Follow these steps to ensure the effectiveness of your smoke detectors:

Test the Detectors

Begin by testing each smoke detector on your property. Press the "test" button on each device and listen for the alarm to sound. If any detector fails to emit, a sound or the sound is weak, promptly replace the batteries or the entire unit.

Replace Batteries

Even if the smoke detectors pass the initial test, replacing the batteries annually or as the manufacturer recommends is good practice. Fresh batteries guarantee optimal performance, ensuring that the detectors can detect any signs of smoke or fire promptly.

Clean and Dust

Over time, dust and debris can accumulate on the smoke detectors, affecting their sensitivity. Regularly clean and dust the detectors using a soft brush or a gentle vacuum attachment. Ensure that the detectors are free from obstructions for accurate detection.

Check Placement

Review the placement of your smoke detectors to ensure they are strategically located. Install smoke detectors in every bedroom, outside sleeping areas, and on every property level. Follow the manufacturer's guidelines regarding recommended placement for optimal coverage.

Replace Outdated Units

If your smoke detectors are older or no longer meet current safety standards, consider replacing them with newer models with improved technology and features. Upgrading to interconnected smoke detectors, which trigger all alarms simultaneously, enhances the safety of your property.

Install Carbon Monoxide Detectors

While checking smoke detectors, take the opportunity to install or inspect carbon monoxide detectors on your property. Carbon monoxide is a silent and potentially deadly gas, especially when heating systems are used in winter. Carbon monoxide detectors help detect this odourless gas and provide early warning signs to protect your guests.

5. Check Windows and Doors

Windows and doors play a significant role in maintaining a comfortable indoor environment and maximising energy efficiency during winter. By checking and addressing any issues, you can ensure a cosy atmosphere while minimising heat loss and reducing energy costs.

Consider the following steps to optimise your windows and doors:

Inspect for Leaks and Drafts

Carefully examine each window and door for gaps, cracks, or worn weatherstripping that may contribute to air leaks and drafts. Use a lit candle or a smoke pencil to detect any airflow around the frames. Mark any problematic areas for further attention.

Seal Air Leaks

Seal gaps and cracks around windows and doors using weatherstripping or caulking. Weatherstripping can be applied to movable parts, such as sashes and door frames while caulking suits stationary areas. Ensure a tight seal to prevent cold air infiltration and heat loss.

Upgrade to Energy-Efficient Windows

Consider upgrading to energy-efficient windows, especially if your current windows are outdated or single-pane. Double or triple-pane windows with Low-E coatings and insulated frames offer improved insulation, reducing heat transfer and enhancing energy efficiency.

Install Storm Windows or Doors

If your property has older windows that could be more energy-efficient, consider installing storm windows or doors. Storm windows provide an additional insulation layer, reducing heat loss and enhancing thermal performance.

Add Window Treatments

Enhance insulation and privacy by using thick curtains or blinds. During colder periods, keep the window treatments closed in the evenings to provide an extra barrier against cold air and retain indoor heat.

Check Door Seals

Inspect the door seals and weatherstripping for signs of wear or damage. Replace worn-out weatherstripping and ensure the door seals tightly when closed, preventing drafts and heat loss.

Consider Insulated Window Film

Apply insulated window film to your windows to improve thermal efficiency. This film helps to reduce heat transfer and provides an additional layer of insulation without obstructing the view.

6. Inspect the Roof and Gutters

A well-maintained roof and functioning gutters protect your property and guests. By inspecting the roof and gutters, you can identify and address any issues that may compromise safety and comfort.

Follow these steps to inspect the roof and gutters properly:

Exterior Visual Inspection

Begin by visually inspecting the exterior of your property's roof. Look for missing or damaged shingles, signs of sagging, or areas where water may pool. Note any issues that require further attention or professional assessment.

Check for Leaks

Carefully inspect the interior ceilings for signs of water stains or leaks during a dry day. This can indicate roof damage or a compromised gutter system. Address any leaks promptly to prevent further damage to your property and provide a comfortable environment for your guests.

Clean the Gutters

Clear any debris, leaves, or twigs from the gutters and downspouts to ensure proper water drainage. Clogged gutters can lead to water backup and potential damage to the roof, fascia, and foundation. Regular gutter cleaning prevents water-related issues and protects your property.

Assess Gutter Condition

While cleaning the gutters, inspect them for any cracks, rust, or loose connections. Ensure that the gutters are securely fastened to the roofline and that they effectively direct water away from the property's foundation. Repair or replace any damaged or dysfunctional gutters as needed.

Trim Overhanging Branches

Remove any overhanging tree branches that may pose a risk of falling onto the roof during winter storms. Falling branches can cause damage to the roof and endanger the safety of your guests.

7. Plan for Snow and Ice Removal

During winter, snow and ice can pose challenges for your guests. To ensure their safety and convenience, it's essential to have a comprehensive plan for snow and ice removal. By proactively addressing these issues, you create a welcoming environment and minimise any disruptions caused by inclement weather.

Consider the following steps when planning for snow and ice removal:

Identify Key Areas

Determine the primary pathways that will require regular snow and ice removal, including driveways, walkways, and entrances. These areas are critical for ensuring safe and convenient access to your property.

Arrange for Professional Services

Consider hiring professional snow removal services if your property is in an area with heavy snowfall. They will have the necessary equipment and expertise to efficiently clear snow and ice, ensuring your property remains accessible and safe for your guests.

Stock Up on Supplies

Equip your property with essential snow and ice removal tools, such as shovels, ice melt, and sand. Ensure that these supplies are readily available to your guests or staff. Place them in a convenient and accessible location, such as a designated storage area or near the entryways.

Establish Clearing Schedule

Develop a snow and ice removal schedule that aligns with weather forecasts and local regulations. Determine how often the pathways should be cleared and establish a snow and ice removal timeframe. Prioritise clearing before guests arrive or early in the morning to minimise disruptions.

Communicate Expectations

Communicate your snow and ice removal plan to your guests. Include information about the schedule, designated pathways, and any guidelines they should follow during winter conditions. Provide instructions on how they can safely navigate the property and any precautions they should take.

Monitor and Maintain

Regularly inspect the pathways and areas where snow and ice have been cleared to ensure they remain safe and accessible. Promptly address any additional accumulation or icy patches that may arise during the day.

Document and Adjust

Record your snow and ice removal activities, including the dates, times, and conditions. This documentation will help you evaluate the effectiveness of your plan and make adjustments as necessary for future winters.

8. Trim Back Trees

The winter season brings its fair share of challenges, including the potential risks associated with trees. To create a safe and visually pleasing environment for your guests, it's important to trim back trees as necessary. By addressing overhanging branches and potential hazards, you not only enhance safety but also improve the overall aesthetics of your property.

Consider the following steps when trimming back trees:

Identify Hazardous Branches

Inspect the trees on your property and identify any overhanging branches that may pose a risk during winter storms. Look for weak, damaged, or close branches to structures such as buildings or power lines. These branches are the highest priority for trimming.

Consult a Professional Arborist

For large or complex tree trimming tasks, it's advisable to consult a professional arborist. They have the expertise and equipment to safely and effectively trim trees, ensuring minimal damage to the trees and surrounding areas.

Prune for Safety and Aesthetics

Trim back branches to maintain a safe distance from structures and walkways, ensuring that they don't risk falling or causing damage during inclement weather. Additionally, consider the aesthetic aspect and shape of the trees, aiming for a visually appealing and well-maintained appearance.

Remove Dead or Diseased Branches

Identify and remove any dead or diseased branches. These branches not only detract from the visual appeal of the trees but can also pose a safety hazard if they break and fall unexpectedly.

Time the Trimming Properly

Timing is crucial when trimming trees, especially during winter. Consider the growth patterns of the trees and consult with an arborist to determine the best time for pruning. Timing the trimming correctly promotes healthy growth and minimises potential damage.

9. Clean the Chimney

A clean and well-maintained chimney is crucial for the safe operation of your property's fireplace or heating system during the winter season. By regularly cleaning the chimney, you reduce the risk of chimney fires and improve the efficiency and performance of your heating system.

Consider the following steps when cleaning the chimney:

Hire a Professional Chimney Sweep

It is highly recommended to hire a professional chimney sweep for thorough and effective cleaning. Chimney sweeps have the expertise, tools, and knowledge to remove built-up creosote, debris, and obstructions from the chimney flue safely.

Schedule Regular Cleanings

Establish a regular cleaning schedule for the chimney to ensure that it remains free of creosote and other potential blockages. The frequency of cleaning depends on usage, but an annual cleaning is generally recommended, especially if the fireplace is frequently used during the winter season.

Inspect the Chimney Structure

As part of the chimney cleaning process, the professional sweep will also inspect the chimney structure for any signs of damage or deterioration. This includes checking for cracks, loose bricks, or mortar joints that may require repairs to maintain the integrity of the chimney.

Remove Creosote Build-up

Creosote is a highly flammable substance that accumulates inside the chimney flue over time. The chimney sweep will carefully remove this build-up, reducing the risk of chimney fires and ensuring proper airflow and ventilation.

Install a Chimney Cap

Consider installing a chimney cap if your property doesn't already have one. A chimney cap acts as a barrier against rain, snow, debris, and animals, preventing them from entering the chimney and causing potential blockages or damage.

Maintain Fire Safety Practices

Educate your guests about fire safety practices. Remind them to use appropriate firewood, dispose of ashes safely, and operate the fireplace responsibly. Provide clear instructions on using the damper and maintaining proper airflow for efficient and safe operation.

10. Check for Drafts

During the winter season, drafts can make a property feel cold and uncomfortable while also negatively impacting energy efficiency. Checking for and addressing drafts is crucial to ensure a warm and inviting atmosphere for your guests. By identifying and sealing drafts, you not only enhance their comfort but also contribute to a more energy-efficient environment.

Consider the following steps when checking for drafts:

Inspect Windows and Doors 

Begin by thoroughly inspecting all windows and doors in your property. Look for gaps, cracks, or damaged weatherstripping that may allow cold air to enter or warm air to escape. Pay close attention to the areas around the frames, sashes, and thresholds.

Seal Window and Door Gaps

Use weatherstripping or caulking to seal any gaps or cracks identified during the inspection. Weatherstripping can be applied around the edges of windows and doors, while caulking can be used to seal gaps in the window frames and door jambs. This helps to minimize air leakage and maintain a comfortable indoor temperature.

Install Draft Stoppers

Draft stoppers, also known as door sweeps or draft excluders, can be placed along the bottom of exterior doors to block drafts from entering. These simple yet effective devices help to maintain a consistent temperature and prevent cold air from seeping in.

Check Electrical Outlets and Switches

Electrical outlets and switches on exterior walls can also be sources of drafts. Inspect these areas for any noticeable drafts and consider using foam gaskets or outlet insulation to minimise air leakage.

Examine Attic and Basement Areas

Drafts can also originate from the attic and basement areas. Check for gaps or cracks in the insulation or areas where cold air may be entering. Address any issues by sealing gaps or adding insulation where necessary.

Use Draft Snakes or Window Film

For windows that tend to have significant drafts, consider using draft snakes or window film. Draft snakes can be placed along the bottom of windows to block cold air, while window film creates an additional layer of insulation to reduce heat loss.

11. Consider a Programmable Thermostat

A programmable thermostat is a valuable addition to your property, providing your guests with precise control over the indoor temperature while promoting energy efficiency. By allowing them to customise and schedule temperature settings according to their needs, you create a comfortable and cost-effective environment during their winter stay.

Consider the following benefits and considerations when implementing a programmable thermostat:

Energy Savings

A programmable thermostat allows your guests to set different temperature levels for various times of the day, such as reducing the heat while they're out exploring or asleep. By automatically adjusting the temperature, energy consumption is optimised, leading to potential cost savings on heating bills.

Customised Comfort

With a programmable thermostat, guests can easily set their preferred temperature settings. Whether they prefer a cozy warm setting or a slightly cooler ambiance, a programmable thermostat empowers them to create their desired indoor environment.

Pre-Heating and Cooling

By utilising the scheduling feature, guests can ensure that the property is comfortably heated or cooled before they arrive. This thoughtful feature enhances their arrival experience, as they step into a cozy and welcoming space.

Compatibility and Installation

Before purchasing a programmable thermostat, ensure compatibility with your existing heating system. Consult a professional if needed to ensure proper installation and integration with your property's HVAC system.

Remote Access and Smart Features

For added convenience and control, consider a programmable thermostat that offers remote access via a smartphone app or smart home integration. This feature enables guests to adjust the temperature settings even when they're away from the property, enhancing their overall experience and comfort.


As the winter season approaches in the southern hemisphere, it brings both challenges and opportunities for the rental market. Understanding the effects of this seasonal change and adapting your strategies accordingly can help you navigate the market successfully. By considering factors such as low season demand, adjusting prices, offering promotions, and being aware of public holidays, you can attract potential guests and keep your rental property occupied. Also, investing in property updates, activating instant bookings, and planning for the next season will set you up for long-term success. 

When it comes to rental management and providing an exceptional guest experience, partnering with Houst is a game-changer. Houst offers a comprehensive suite of services designed to maximise the potential of your rental property and ensure a seamless and memorable stay for your guests. With their expertise in property management, Houst takes care of everything from marketing and bookings to Airbnb cleaning and maintenance. 

Their dedicated team of professionals handles guest inquiries, manages check-ins and check-outs, and even provides 24/7 support. By partnering with Houst, you not only benefit from their extensive industry knowledge and resources but also gain access to a global network of travellers who trust and prefer Houst-managed properties!

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The Insider @ Houst

The Insider team at Houst is dedicated to providing up-to-date and relevant information on short-term rentals. If you have hosting inquiries, please write to us at For guest inquiries, reach out at We are here to help you navigate the world of short lets and look forward to assisting you with your needs.

The Insider @ Houst

The Insider @ Houst

The Insider team at Houst is dedicated to providing up-to-date and relevant information on short-term rentals. If you have hosting inquiries, please write to us at For guest inquiries, reach out at We are here to help you navigate the world of short lets and look forward to assisting you with your needs.

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